Corporate Governance

At FKS, we are committed to upholding the Company’s values and standards. We have in place a whistleblowing policy that provides guidelines and procedures by which all our stakeholders may, in confidence bring to our attention concerns or complaints about any possible misconduct or violation of the Company’s policies.

The whistleblowing policy encompasses concerns related to the following:

  • Financial misconduct such as fraud, bribery, theft, data manipulation or accounting irregularities
  • Acts of corruption, misappropriation, and embezzlement
  • Criminal offences or breaches of regulatory obligations
  • Violations of Company policies including the code of conduct
  • Discrimination, harassment, abuse, and other unethical behavior
  • Threats of health and safety at the workplace
  • Intentional concealment of any misconduct

Any external stakeholder wishing to raise any concerns about the Company may do so via a confidential and dedicated online platform. All information received will be confidential. After submitting a report, the whistle-blower will receive a unique ticketing number, enabling them to monitor the progress of their report online.

When raising a concern or making a report, the following information should be provided:

  • The nature of the alleged misconduct
  • Date, time and location of the actions or transactions
  • Identity and particulars of parties involved
  • Circumstances leading to the alleged improprieties
  •  Any other relevant information or documents

All whistleblowing reports will be reviewed and appropriate actions ranging from remedial measures to disciplinary actions will be taken.


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