FKS Foundation Supports Quality of High School Level Education Through the FKS Inspire Program
Education is the most fundamental thing for a nation’s development, and as a company that places a strong emphasis on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, FKS Group aims to support the government’s mission to address this issue. Through our FKS Foundation, we initiated FKS Inspire (Indonesia Skilled Professional Resource), a program developed to improve the quality of vocational high school students’ competence by providing them not only with soft and hard skill training, supporting them to obtain expert certification at the BNSP (National Professional Certification Board), and involving our employees to share and teach their knowledge so the students can also broaden their knowledge from the practitioners’ perspective.
Envisioned as a program that would create a synergistic relationship between the professional world and educational institutions, FKS Inspire comes with an ultimate goal to help produce a large number of high school graduates who are ready to enter the workforce and possess the attributes required by the industry.