FKS Multi Agro joins The 2nd Asian Agriculture & Food Forum 2020

FKS Multi Agro joins The 2nd Asian Agriculture & Food Forum 2020

As part of FKS Multi Agro (FKS MA) commitment in supporting Indonesia’s Government in improving Agriculture sector, both in business, technology and methods, FKS MA join the 2nd Asian Agriculture & Food Forum 2020 (ASAFF 2020) organized by Himpunan Kerukunan Tani Indonesia (HKTI) that takes place at Jakarta Convention Center from 12 – 14 March 2020.

FKS MA participation in ASAFF 2020 is to showcase “Budidaya Jenuh Air” (Saturated Soil Culture) Method to handle tidal swamp land which was founded and led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Munif Ghulamahdi, M.S. and his research team from Institut Pertanian Bogor together with FKS MA. The method was created in order to maximize the use of so many potential tidal swamp lands in Indonesia that were left alone for planting crops.

Following the Saturated Soil Culture method introduction, FKS MA together with FKS Food also introduce Bola Deli, a new line of basic food products consist of rice flour, rice glutinous flour, icing sugar, tapioca flour and corn starch. The products are also available for sell to the visitor of ASAFF 2020.

President Joko Widodo in the opening ceremony that was held in State Palace, Thursday, 12 March 2020, stated how this event is expected to be a channel for all stakeholders including G2G and B2B to be able to share and collaborate together to build agriculture sector to be able to contribute more in Indonesia’s economy growth both from export and income