Tereos FKS Indonesia

At a Glance

We utilize corn kernels, capture and turn it into sugar, sweeteners, starch, and glucose hence continuously improve its processes and innovation for the purpose of industrial benefits.

We always maintain close links with the upstream agricultural industry. Our areas of innovation enable us to improve farming practice and agronomy know-how, expand the use of new farming method as well as test and distribute new crop varieties.

Tereos FKS Indonesia has succeeded in Producing 38% of its national demand for corn starch. Every piece of our products we proudly made in Indonesia has successfully provided a substitute from imported corn starch since 2014 with sustainable supply.


FSSC 22000
DNV-GL ISO 9001:2015
Responsible Care
Majelis Ulama Indonesia
Orthodox Union
Lloyd's Register - UKAS 001

Our Products

Tereos FKS Indonesia

At a Glance

We utilize corn kernels, capture and turn it into sugar, sweeteners, starch, and glucose hence continuously improve its processes and innovation for the purpose of industrial benefits.

We always maintain close links with the upstream agricultural industry. Our areas of innovation enable us to improve farming practice and agronomy know-how, expand the use of new farming method as well as test and distribute new crop varieties.

Tereos FKS Indonesia has succeeded in Producing 38% of its national demand for corn starch. Every piece of our products we proudly made in Indonesia has successfully provided a substitute from imported corn starch since 2014 with sustainable supply.


FSSC 22000
DNV-GL ISO 9001:2015
Responsible Care
Majelis Ulama Indonesia
Orthodox Union
Lloyd's Register - UKAS 001

Our Products