FKS Food & Agri Cooperates With Stakeholders at the FKS Banker’s Day 2023

FKS Food & Agri Cooperates With Stakeholders at the FKS Banker’s Day 2023

FKS Food and Agri had recently organised it’s inaugural banker’s day in Indonesia. The two-day event was attended by over 100 bankers from Indonesia, Singapore, Amsterdam, Switzerland and Brazil.

Led by our Group CEO, Chandy Kusuma, the senior management team shared key milestones achieved by FKS FA and its subsidiaries, business highlights and strategies moving forward. Our management team had the opportunity to interact with our stakeholder and address questions raised through this event.

To provide deeper understanding on our operations, we also hosted a full day site visit to our integrated processing complex in Cilegon West Java where we showcased our port and distribution operations, sugar refining plant and our JV flour milling operations.