As part of our commitment to one of the ESG pillars, Community Development, we at FKS Group are consistently seeking

FKS Group Shares Love with Children at the Wikrama Putra and YPAB Orphanages, Surakarta
In line with FKS Group’s unwavering commitment to the values of FKS Care, we proudly present the impactful Community program

FKS Group Partners With Waste 4 Change For Sustainable Waste Management
In commemoration of National Waste Awareness Day 2023 and to support the Indonesian government in achieving Zero Waste and Zero

FKS Foundation Supports Quality of High School Level Education Through the FKS Inspire Program
Education is the most fundamental thing for a nation’s development, and as a company that places a strong emphasis on

Caring for Cianjur Earthquake Victims, FKS Group Donates Soybeans and Food Products
In running a business, FKS Group not only strives to provide the nation with the finest ingredients, but we also

Bungasari Inaugurates the Largest Flour Factory Roof PLTS in Indonesia
We are proud to share a new milestone for our group as Bungasari Flour Mills Indonesia, an affiliated company of